Thank you to our donors, contributors, and community supporters.
"I received scholarships from the Foundation as a senior in high school until I was a senior in college. I was so thankful for the scholarships I received from my hometown. It was a boost of encouragement, and made me feel like my hometown still cared about me and wished me success. Paying for a college education is tough and I'd like to say THANK YOU to the Foundation for helping relieve some of the financial burden and supporting me through my 4 year education at Otterbein University. I'm excited that I now can use my education to help the community that helped me become the person I am today."
Mikayla Pieper
The Paulding County Area Foundation purchased 10 I-Pad Mini’s, 10 Zagg Rugged Book I-Pad protectors and keyboards, and 10 screen protectors for the Paulding County Extension Office. These I-Pads and accessories are used for programming purposes in both the 4-H and Ag/Natural Resources program areas. More than 100 youth and adults have had a chance to utilize the I-Pads through programming efforts put together by Paulding County OSU Extension. The largest use the I-Pads have seen to date is in the area of robotics programming through the 4-H Robotics program. They have also been used to introduce local farmers to the I-Pads and has shared how an I-Pad can be utilized to help with record keeping and farm management.
Paulding County OSU Extension is grateful for the I-Pad donation and continues to look forward to the programs that will be enriched due to the technology we are able to put in the hands of Paulding County residents.