Thank you to our donors, contributors, and community supporters.
"I received scholarships from the Foundation as a senior in high school until I was a senior in college. I was so thankful for the scholarships I received from my hometown. It was a boost of encouragement, and made me feel like my hometown still cared about me and wished me success. Paying for a college education is tough and I'd like to say THANK YOU to the Foundation for helping relieve some of the financial burden and supporting me through my 4 year education at Otterbein University. I'm excited that I now can use my education to help the community that helped me become the person I am today."
Mikayla Pieper

The Paulding County Area Foundation purchased 10 I-Pad Mini’s, 10 Zagg Rugged Book I-Pad protectors and keyboards, and 10 screen protectors for the Paulding County Extension Office. These I-Pads and accessories are used for programming purposes in both the 4-H and Ag/Natural Resources program areas. More than 100 youth and adults have had a chance to utilize the I-Pads through programming efforts put together by Paulding County OSU Extension. The largest use the I-Pads have seen to date is in the area of robotics programming through the 4-H Robotics program. They have also been used to introduce local farmers to the I-Pads and has shared how an I-Pad can be utilized to help with record keeping and farm management.
Paulding County OSU Extension is grateful for the I-Pad donation and continues to look forward to the programs that will be enriched due to the technology we are able to put in the hands of Paulding County residents.
Michael Schweinsberg, 4-H Youth Development
“As a young farmer, acquisition of farmland is very difficult. At a young age, not having enough capital, along with the competitiveness of production, agriculture can become frustrating very quickly. Through the trust and support of the Foundation board, I was given the opportunity to farm a piece of Mr. Marshall’s ground and am completing my 7th year of doing so. This opportunity has played a huge part towards achieving my long-term goal of farming full-time. I look forward to the day where I am able to “pay it forward” just like Paulding Foundation did for me!”
Clint Vance

"Thank you so much for awarding me with the Deb Haney scholarship. It really means a lot and I will put that money towards my education!"
Alec Dunham

"Thank you so much for the role you had in me obtaining the JP Crain Family Scholarship. Your assistance is appreciated to help further my education at Bowling Green State University. Thanks again!"
Katelyn Estle
"Thank you Paulding County Area Foundation for your team sponsorship and support of youth baseball!"
Grover Hill Ball Association
"Thank you for sponsoring the 2019 Advanced Turkey skill-a-thon trophy. It was truly an honor to win this award. I'm very thankful for the years that I have had in 4-H. I have seen kids learn new skills, and I'm thankful for the opportunity I have had to be an example to younger members. Although this is my last year in 4-H, I will treasure the memories I have made for forever."
Jacob Klopenstein
I am so thankful to have been selected and to have received the Virginia Paulus-Iler Scholarship from the Paulding County Area Foundation. It is an honor to represent my county in this way as I return to college this Fall to continue my degree. I will make you all proud as I study Pre-Law at the University of Dayton. Thanks again for this financial support!
Allison Arend
Thank you for your kindness and generosity for my 2020 Jr. Fair Market Rabbit Project. I am saving the money to help with my future.
Delana Noggle
Thank you so much for renewing my JP Crane Family Scholarship as I enter my sophomore year at the university of Findlay. I will be sure to continue my commitment to the university as well as my community.
Fletcher Cook